This will be my introduction blog, though since it comes first I will only call this my statement of intent. I am starting this blog as a method of, social networking with likeminded or interested parties, to give me more reason and opportunity to type in hope of increasing my speed through practical use, to start a daily educational blurb for the day (as much for me as for you, I hope), and lastly for a place to state things I feel the need to state (also called a rant by some though I will try to do more PSA (public service announcement) style.
Random facts about me: I live in the USA in the state of Colorado. I have a lot of hobbies but the current top 6 are Jeeping, Hiking, Snowshoeing, Photography, Reading, and trying on and off to learn Japanese. I will let you know about these activities from time to time. I am currently back in college studying for a Bachelor of Science in Business Management with a focus on Hospitality. I say back in college because I already have an Associates of Applied Science in Electronics Engineering. The main reason for the change is I have found the field to be less engaging than I thought it would be and also because I have not been able to find work in the field since my last job ended in December of 2007.
I live in many places on the internet, those who are interested can find me on twitter at and I also post some of my better pictures on Deviant Art I hope to find new friends and acquaintances here as I do there.
I invite you all to comment on the posts I write, but I will ask for the enjoyment of all, that personal attacks are never used and curse words are either not used, or used to a limited degree. As for everything else if you agree, disagree, or just have a different point of view please feel free to share it!
Thanks for stopping by