Friday, September 11, 2009

Here’s the question that’s going through my mind

If tragic events are so soul altering that you still remember where you were and what you were doing when they occurred and you insist upon stating it every year upon the anniversary of the event… What’s the point?! What is the point of just saying I remember?! If you truly believe that the event was so altering of soul and time why do you insist upon only remembering?

I say, tell me what you’ve done! What have you done since that day to reduce the chances of it happening again? How have you changed your outlook? Your interactions? Your beliefs? What have you Done?! Remembering is only the start! It has been several years now if you’ve done nothing other than say “I remember” once a year, then just shut the hell up! Act, Do, Change or don’t waste my time by saying “oh I remember that day! It was horrible… oops I have to go. I’m late for my hair appointment?”

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Help me out here will ya?

Since all of us can sometimes be called a "bitchy little artiest fanboy/girl" How do you tell a writer that you love their story and world but they have no concept of how to write it? and with Audio/Podiobook authors that they need to either use words they know how to pronounce, or look up how to pronounce them?

I ask this because I love reading and listening to Audio/Podiobooks, especially on long trips, and I believe that some of these authors deserve more credit for their creativity. Though frankly, I don't see them ever getting the amount of credit they should, unless they fix the above mentioned issues.

So how can I tell them those types of issues without offending the author? Is it even possible? I want to and like to help people improve what they do, but this requires tact and that's something I'm currently lacking in this situation.

Friday, June 5, 2009


I tend to spend a lot of time running into Journal entries from friends that all come down to a lack of Professionalism. Now just because that word directly stems from the word Professional doesn’t mean that what I’ll be saying here is unrelated to amateurs and wanna be’s as well. It doesn’t matter if you are a hobbyist or a “bread winner” if you aren’t professional about it you’re going to end up disappointed, mad, or black listed.

What is professionalism? Well defines it as: “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” To expand on that Professionalism is acting in an expected acceptable manner while trying to meet all stated or contracted arrangements and goals. Basically, do what you said you were going to do when you said you were going to do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Photographer, Model, Lawyer, Construction Worker, or even a Hired Cat Burglar. If you said you’d do it, then do it!

Flip Side

Professionalism also means covering your bases. If you constantly book work, prepare in good faith, and then get canceled on then you are likely one of two things. You’re either not what was advertised or you’re a SUCKER. Starting with the nicer one, if you’re not what was advertised then yes, you will be canceled on a lot and it will be your fault. Be happy that the other party canceled on you rather than them letting you make a fool of yourself first and then suing for their money back. Now the Blunt one: being a sucker, chump, or patsy. This means you constantly fall for the same thing repeatedly thinking “oh, this time it will be different” … Guess what? It won’t be. Remember a sign of insanity is trying the exact same thing over and over again while expecting different results. If you set up, let’s say, a photo shoot operate in good faith and constantly find yourself feeling jipped when the deal falls apart. Then you have to make changes in how you do things and never go back to the former, proven faulty method. Yes, you will “lose out” on some work but that’s in quotes for a reason! Think about it, if the other party can’t give you some sort of guarantee then something is probably wrong. I for one would rather “lose out” on iffy work that may or may not actually occur so I can spend that time looking for solid work that’s backed up with guarantees! If you insist on being a sucker and setting up iffy work don’t count the money until it’s in your hand. If you can’t make rent without it keep looking for something better. Heck worst case you’ll find guaranteed work and can cancel on the iffy ones stating that as your reason. If that iffy work was sincere and professional they should respect your reasoning and be willing to cooperate with you your way the next time.

For those of you who don’t like reading and skipped all of the above, do what you said you would when you said you’d do it, be capable of doing all that you agreed to, and if you bang your head against a wall… its going to hurt!

Oh, and one more piece of being a professional, if you screw up, Admit it, Apologize for it, Make reparations, and Do everything possible not to do it again!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thinking about buying a NetBook

I need a portable computer for school so I can get away from my Desktop PC. I'm looking into NetBook computers as they're affordable, for me, right now averaging $400 dollars US for what's "rated" as good. Does anyone out there have one or know someone who does. I'm looking for suggestion on what to look for and what to stay away from.

My only requirements are my school requires MS Office 2007 software and this horrid program called MyScribe that is NOT 64bit Vista compatible.(for my Online Text Books)

Any info or help would be greatly appreciated as I currently know next to nothing about them.

Thanks G-C

Friday, April 24, 2009

Interview with a Model-Bad Charlotte (aka Vampireleniore)

I am so excited that I got a chance to start my Interview series. I've been wanting to do this for awhile. My first victim interviewee is the lovely Bad Charlotte aka Vampireleniore I am very grateful to her for taking the time to participate. Now, on to the interview.


Lets start by having you introduce yourself, who you are, what you do, and where you live.

Bad Charlotte

My name is actually Amanda. I use the name "Bad Charlotte" as my modeling alias because it is both the nickname someone I loved very much gave me and it was the name of my grandmother, the person I admired most in my life, save maybe one person at a time.

My deviant ( name is vampireleniore. I got that from a book I wrote a while ago. Yes ^.^ I write books, stories, paint, draw, model, and I'm a student.

Website...well, I'm working on my website right now, but it will definitely be coming out sometime this summer (or so I'm hoping). I'll keep you all updated on. (DeviantArt)

I live in California, United States, but travel all over. I've been to Washington, Oregon, and soon to New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania for my modeling.

You can also find me on (Model Mayhem)


Why/how did you decide to go into Modeling?

Bad Charlotte

I wanted to since I was five, but my parents strictly forbade it, saying I would not be able to until I turned eighteen.

I originally got the idea because I was freakishly tall when I was little and people would always say I could be a model because of that. I stopped growing at eight years old, though, and now I'm a short model, but I actually enjoy my height more now than I ever did then.


Most people don’t think about models needing gear to work, they think it’s all provided for you. What do you always bring to a shoot out of need or just in case?

Bad Charlotte

Cell phone, pepper spray (I take that everywhere and have never had to use it on anyone, thankfully), snacks, hairbrush, comb, straightener, curling iron, hair spray, shine serum, biosilk, makeup (all of it), some wardrobe items just in case the stylist flakes, emergency cash, coat always (I usually use it as a robe), Listerine strips, tooth brush, tooth paste, floss, shoes, and the list goes on.


Have you ever wanted, or actually have punched a photographer? Why?

Bad Charlotte

Oh, I've wanted to.

I had a photographer have me come to him on the train for a paid gig (it wasn't very much either. At the time, I was desperate, so I settled for way less than my rates) and when I got there, he said, "You know, I am tired after driving around and working, but you're really beautiful, so please let me know when you're in the area again."

Another photographer was doing a suicide girls photoshoot with me (yes, I almost became a suicide girl. They recruited me, but then I did research and wasn't pleased) and he kept telling me I should do spreadshots for the site.

One, I don't do spreadshots. EVER. and two, he was trying to convince me that I had to in order to be a successful suicide girl.

I HAD A FREE SUBSCRIPTION to the site for a year and saw that some of the most successful suicide girls were also some of the most classy, so no, I didn't have to.

A few photographers would be too touchy. I don't allow it, unless it is a female.

Some would even try to brush a hair off my chest and I would brush their hand away and let them know that's not cool, or flinch away, or whatever.

Nothing pisses me off like someone trying to cop a cheap feel.


What is the worst and best thing about modeling?

Bad Charlotte

Best thing? Feeling beautiful and artistic all at once. Having fans. Getting to express yourself in many different ways, meeting new people, going new places. There's a lot of good.

Worst thing? The occasional psychopath or pervert (not that I have anything against perverts unless they make me uncomfortable).

Glitch-Chaos First nude/implied nude shoot. What was it like? Did you make it all the way through?

Bad Charlotte

It was very comfortable. The photographer was actually a close friend, so I was with people I trusted and it brought out the creativity in me.

However, it took a while for the, "Is this sluttish?" feeling to go away because I was raised Christian and, in my own convictions, a very modest dressing person (still am). I've only owned one miniskirt my whole life and it was an anniversary present (BUT this doesn't mean I'm judging people who do).

I've decided after much thought about the subject that nudity is not in itself corrupt, or pornographic. It's the poses or intention (or a combination of the two) that makes it, so I usually tell photographers that I typically like to be very "un" sexy in photoshoots with nudity. I like to act like I'm dancing in front of the camera. Sometimes, I do pinup nudes, which I think are playful and innocent, but also very sexy in a sophisticated sort of way.


What Model do you wish you could imitate?

Bad Charlotte

Imitate? I think I prefer to do my own thing. Adding a bit of individuality to what you do is what brings you to your goals.

No one wants 8 Audrey Kitchings or 90 Mosh's.

they want them. Why have a copy of them?

By the way, if I HAD to imitate, it would probably be Rabid Girl Scout or Mosh. Mosh has the most amazing poses and Rabid Girl Scout has the most amazing style. She's so much like me, except with more hair and makeup skills.

I also love Ulorin Vex's poses and style. I have a thing for "Blindingly bright" stuff.


What is your dream modeling job and you dream “normal” job?

Bad Charlotte

Dream modeling job? Hmmm...getting paid to do things I love with people I like to work with.

If Raven's Laughter and I were hired by a client, or Debbi, Shandra Jade, and I, or Mosh and I. Porcelain Poet and I. Donald Holman and I. I would die of excitement! There's others, of course.

Normal job? Painting. Writing books. I plan to do them both anyways, but if I struck a gold mine in either field, I would take on modeling for the sheer pleasure of it instead of a career.


Do you like to look at the pictures afterwards? Or would you rather just move on to the next job?

Bad Charlotte

I love looking at pictures!

It's not a vanity thing. You can compare it to having a child and going, "SHIT! That's a beautiful baby! Look what we made!"


Have you ever been in a modeling situation that scared you?

Bad Charlotte

Yeah. A photographer mislead me on the location of a shoot in Portland, or I misheard him. Not sure which. I was in this new place and I was supposed to crash on his couch that night, so I was scared I would be stranded without a place to sleep.

Bleh. Then, I couldn't get a hold of him on my phone because I ran out of minutes (pay as you go phone).


Do you have a question you’ve always wanted someone to ask you just so you could answer it? What’s the question? What’s the answer?

Bad Charlotte

Only a million.

Hmmm...What's one random fact about you, Miss Charlotte, that very few people know?

Answer: I LOVE bright colors and I love working with other models, but only if I like them a lot. If not, I'll still enjoy myself, but working with someone you admire is inspiring and a great experience.

Bonus question: (because I really want to know). Have you ever used your model status as a pick up line?

Bad Charlotte

lol. I haven't had to. I've been in two relationships since I started and one of those relationships was with someone I was with way before I started.

On occasion, he would joke about how awesome it was to date a model. Come to think of it, they both did.


Thank you so much for your time! I am truly more grateful than you could ever know!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Feed the Monsters!

When I have kids someday, I’m going to tell them when they’re afraid at night of monsters under the bed or in a closet to feed the monsters. They can feed them by sneezing out their fear and worry, so that the monsters can eat it without having to pull it from them first. I’ll explain to them that Monsters are good creatures who like to eat human fear and worry to help us out. They don’t ever want to eat humans because their sharp teeth are magically designed only to bite and snag negative energy not human flesh. The fear they feel that tells them a monster is around isn’t really fear they’re feeling, but the panic that their fear and worries are feeling knowing they’re about to get caught and eaten.

Friday, April 10, 2009

My View on & of Guns, Control, and Education

We all hear about guns, killing, and gun control all the time and everyone has a different view on it. Here is mine.

First my back ground, I was raised in a family with guns. I hunt, I clean, and I cook. I am not a great hunter and I have no Taxidermy in the house and never have (not for lack of want.) This said my view on guns, use, and control is: There will always be guns! They made drugs illegal and their still around what makes anyone think it would work for guns? Therefore based on the reality of this simple fact I suggest instead of banning guns or making them more popular by discouraging their use, that we force training about them in all schools. Yep, that’s right I want a class in school called gun education. In this class (held every year from K-12) students would be given information relevant to age about gun use and safety. Yes, even kindergartners would have a gun class where they learn what a gun is and that they should not handle one without supervision and the expressed permission of the adult owner. I believe this will aid in the reduction of accidental deaths greatly. As students age they will receive additional information about guns as they reach the age at which they can realistically fire that particular weapon based on demographics. A first grader can easily fire a BB gun but would likely be injured simply from the recoil of a 12 gauge shotgun. Students would be trained along the way not only in safety but in proper use, target practice, gun cleaning and maintenance, and in both local and federal laws related to carrying, hunting, threatening, and murder.

I believe that taking the mystique out of guns will greatly reduce accidental shootings. Let’s face it, items seen every day are less enticing to both kids and adults than ones only seen on TV or at a friend’s house. With this simple act gun safety will become routine to future generations and the number of accidental incidents will decrease.

Training in use of fire arms will also decrease the accidental death rate. If you know how to properly use a gun and learn proper habits regarding safety accidents such as unintentional discharging of the weapon resulting in injury or death will decrease. Proper target practice will also decrease accidents by ensuring that a fired weapon hits its target rather than missing and striking something or someone else. The other side effect of knowing how to shoot and hit a target is that if a person (gang member, road rager, or psychotic) does choose to take a life, only that one life will be taken. I know this isn’t a real bright side, but check out some statistics from your home town before you disagree. How many bystanders’ accidental deaths happen each year because the shooter was a bad shot? If these social deviants are going to kill no matter what (and we all know, for now, they will) why not try to limit the so called collateral damage?

The additional training in the use of guns for hunting should be incorporated into these lessons as well. Not to encourage hunting, but to ensure that the lesson of “guns do kill living things” gets across to the students. I for one will always remember the lessons related to that fact from my hunters education class and how thoroughly it improved my caution in regards to all firearms.

An education in the laws related to guns and gun related crimes should assist in getting across that there are penalties for improper, unethical, and illegal use of firearms. This will not only attach consequences but will remove the ability to claim ignorance of the law.

This is my suggestion for the post Columbine, 9/11, “postal”, “road rage” world. With mystique removed, proper training, legality, consequences, and most importantly safety taught. I honestly believe that accidental deaths due to improper handling, ignorance in handling, random firing, disregard to consequence, and lack of comprehension to consequence will decrease dramatically. I know after each lesson I learn about firearms and how each works. I feel a greater sense of appreciation for the power a gun holds and I walk away with a greater desire to ensure proper safety is taken the next time I am in possession or presence of a gun.

Lastly for those of you out there who insist that all guns can be taken away from society with “a little work” A lethal weapon of gun design can be made using PVC pipe, any aerosol spray, a potato, and a lighter. All found at your local hardware store. (Commonly called a Potato Cannon) So please don’t bother telling me otherwise.

Thank you


Friday, March 27, 2009

Something fun and hopefully funny

Employer IQ test, have the employer take any online IQ test and then remove the furthest left non-place holder digit. If the new number is below 20 there’s hope.

Employee IQ test, Have employee take any online IQ test. Then multiply it by two. If the new number is over 100 give them a pay raise and keep them around whatever the cost.

Simplified IQ test, tell the person to catch the tennis ball you are about to throw. Then gently with an under hand toss send it towards their nose. If they catch it they’re smart. If they dodge it they’re trouble. If it hits them in their nose proceed to alternate test.

Alternate IQ test if Simplified IQ test results in a hit on the person’s nose. Tell them to catch the next object you send their way. Point a loaded .45 caliber pistol at their nose and pull the trigger. If that person dies the test is finished. If the gun does not fire, switch the gun safety to “off” then test the pistol by putting the barrel in your ear and pull the trigger listening for the click and boom of a successful shot.

Hey you! Yes, you! The dumbass over there. The Alternate IQ test is a JOKE! Do not try this at home or at all!

Thank you