Wednesday, February 21, 2018

So, you want to blame guns?

So you want to blame guns?

Let me ask you this, my dear students. How many of you have bullied someone this year? How many people have you spread rumors about? How many times have you posted on social media that someone should “just die”? “Kill themselves”? Or said anything else along those lines?

How often have you seen someone else bullied and joined in?

How many times have you seen someone bullied and ignored it?

How many times have you gone over to the person who was being a bully and told them “That’s not okay”.

How many times have you gone up to the person who was bullied and told them that other person is a jerk and just to ignore them?

How many times have you given a hug to that bullied person even if you weren’t friends with them and said “You matter!”
How many times have you ditched your “cool” friends because they were constantly attacking people either verbally or physically?

How many times have you stood up for others?

Guns are not to blame for school shootings. However, you probably are. It’s okay though, just pretend like an inanimate object is at fault so you won’t have to feel bad and start changing your own behavior. Just keep on pretending like everything will be okay once guns are gone. It’s not like people are also killed homemade bombs… by being run over by cars… by being stabbed… by being poisoned… beaten, strangled, kidnaped and murdered in secret, or a million other ways. Because hey, guns are to blame for everything right?

No, you are to blame!

If you want gun violence to stop, stop treating people in a manner that makes them want to kill you. Even if it’s that weird kid who has no friends, or that jock who is always making inappropriate comments, or the teacher of the subject you don’t like. If you want to be a voice for change, you have to change yourself first. Stop blaming other things, other people, or whatever else makes you feel like it’s not your fault.

Take action. Get your head out of your ass and realize gun violence can be stopped by you! No new laws have to be passed. You just have to be a better person and help make other people realize they can be better too!

It really is that simple. Just be nice.

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